# UI Development
The UI is developed in vue.js as the separate repository: https://github.com/project-alice-assistant/webui
# Global functions
There are currently the following global functions that can be called
# Notifications
# this.showError(message: str)
Show a floating error message, that will disappear after a few seconds. The message is not stored, only to be used as direct feedback to a user action
# this.showSuccess(message: str)
Show a floating success message, that will disappear after a few seconds. The message is not stored, only to be used as direct feedback to a user action
# this.showInfo(message: str)
Show a floating information message, that will disappear after a few seconds. The message is not stored, only to be used as direct feedback to a user action
# this.checkResponse(response: dict)
Checks the given response object of an axios call. Calls showError or showSuccess depending on the value of response.data['success']
for the message contained in response.data['success']
Returns the value of respones.data['success']